OUR Directors

Lloyd & Chris Zeigler
Founder & MCUSA Director
Executive Director and Founder of Masters Commission International Network (a board of peers, pastors and business owners that oversee and insure each Masters Commission around the globe meet the standards and mirror the original heart of this movement). Lloyd and Chris currently serve in Waco, TX as Senior Pastors of Victorious Life Church, believing that “Changed people—Change people,” The Zeiglers strive to live life as a love letter to Jesus. Encouraging and challenging all who come in contact with them, they leave behind a passionate, whole hearted declaration, “When someone believes in you—you win, but when you believe in you; EVERYBODY WINS!”

Joan Puaina
Joan has been a part of the staff team since 2010. She is passionate about Jesus, the Word, and the Church, and she is committed to imparting that passion to others. Joan was raised in Southern California, and has a huge family whom she loves and adores. She's had the opportunity to speak at events and churches all over the US, as well as the opportunity to travel to other countries like El Salvador and Moldova and minister alongside the Masters Commission team. Joan loves what she gets to do, and who she gets to do it with and is committed to training a generation of world changers to build and strengthen the Body of Christ.
OUR Staff

Tristan & Savannah Albers
Jon & Lily Galindo
Tristan and Savannah have been serving, and been a part of, Masters Commission since 2020, and currently serve as Victorious Life Church Young Adults Pastors. They have both attended Masters Commission and have developed a deep love for discipleship and ministry. They both passionately strive to build up believers and leaders of this next generation by equipping them with biblical wisdom, strong character, and a deep love for God and His people. Tristan and Savannah were both raised in northern states and met in Masters Commission their first year in Waco, Texas. If you catch either of them outside of the church, they are likely together on an adventure, spending time with friends, watching a sunrise, or doing anything outdoors. They both love their community and are expectant for this upcoming year in Masters Commission.
Jon and Lily met in 2005 while attending Masters Commission in Northern California. Since their first year, they have been serving in ministry in various roles such as youth pastors, associate pastors, board members, regional leaders, and wherever God sends them. For five years, they were Directors of a summer Masters Commission program for high school students and felt a strong calling to disciple the next generation of leaders and ministers, showing them what God can do with a willing heart. With MCUSA, they will mentor students, help develop program structure, teach classes, and push the students to step outside of their comfort zones to give God a chance to radically change their lives. Jon and Lily both work in tech as their profession, but love to disciple the next generation, as well as open their home to the students for a home-cooked meal.