We realize that finances are a necessary point of understanding in order to live and operate in the world we live in. While we don't like the idea that finances can be a limiting factor when deciding to commit to what God might be calling you to, we also know it's unavoidable at times. Our goal is to limit the cost required for students to attend the program while still providing them with all the things necessary to make the year the best it can be.

 So let's take a look at the simplified way we break down the cost of tuition:

First Year Tuition:

Second Year Tuition:

Program Cost: $2,700
Housing Costs: $2,650
Curriculum: $1,150
Total: $6,500
Program Cost: $1,700
Housing Costs: $2,650
Curriculum: $1,150
Total: $5,500
Tuition Covers: 
  • 9 months of Housing and Utilities
  • Ministry travel
  • Team Swag
  • Special Ministry Materials 
  • Training and Required course curriculum/materials 
Tuition does NOT Cover: 
  • Food
  • Personal Expenses
  • Daily travel costs and required vehicle maintenance
  • Travel to and from MCUSA
If you have any questions or concerns about tuition, we'd love for you to contact us so we can help you think through and discuss options.